Laura  Carrico

I have been on the executive board for 10 years. I like to think that switching to Swimmingly and instilling the sense of ease and fun is my legacy to the league. This doesn't have to be hard, Swimmingly allows summer swimming to be fun for everyone.

Laura Carrico, League President
Williamson County Swim League

The Customer

Williamson County Swim League

The Williamson County Swim League is a summer swim league comprised of 21 teams just outside of Nashville, TN.


Laura has been involved with the board of the league for the past 10 years. WCSL implementing Swimmingly has been the biggest change to the league that has happened in that time.

The Challenge

Lack of transparency and learning a complicated system

The Williamson County Swim League has a variety of different team types from small neighborhood teams to year-round teams. With a large variety, it is difficult to find a system that works for everyone.


Summer league teams have a really high turnover. With this high turnover, we found ourselves constantly downloading and teaching a complicated Hytek system.


With the size of our league, we were unable to have transparency and access to all of our teams with our old system. We have had issues of fairness in the past and we were unable to check and confirm anything.

When I find myself at a swim meet where they run the meet using stopwatches, paper, and pencil, I think to myself "I wish we were using Swimmingly".

The Solution

Fairness for all teams and an intuitive system to run our swim meets

Using Swimmingly is the way that you will get the most accurate times and the best way to run meets without touch pads. We have been able to provide a fair experience for all teams in our league with the platform. With a wide range and variety of teams, we are finally able to even the playing field and provide transparency.


Apps are the natural progression and running a swim meet with an app just makes sense - especially for our younger parents. Using Swimmingly has helped with retention for the new families as well.


We have been able to make by-law changes and other ways that we run our league with information that we would not have access to without Swimmingly.

My favorite thing about Swimmingly is it keeps the focus on the fun. It eliminates so much of the stressful areas of swim meets. It saves time and keeps the focus on what Summer League Swimming is supposed to be, which is fun.

The Result

Faster Swim Meets, Fewer Volunteers, and Reduced Management Time

We noticed immediate results in our first year using Swimmingly. As a League Admin, having access to all the different team's Clubhouses allowed us to have a much better lens on what was going on. Swimmingly gave us the information that we needed to make by-law changes that were fair to everybody.


The number of volunteers needed to run a meet has reduced by at least 9 people. We have reduced the number of timers needed per lane, eliminated runners, and only need one person at the "computer table" since we no longer need to hand enter anything.


From an executive board standpoint, just for management, the Swimmingly platform saves us hours and hours of work. In terms of meet time, prior to Swimmingly, our largest teams would run 2, 4 hour sessions. They can now complete an entire meet in 1, 4 hour session. It cuts our meet time in half.

Keep an open mind and be willing to embrace change. It is uncomfortable at first to think about not having your paper and stopwatches, but it is so worth it. Really embrace Swimmingly for all it has to offer. Rip the bandaid off, move forward and you will see an immediate benefit.

Swim Meets, Made Simple


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