
There is no comparison between what other CYOs are doing now to what you can have with Swimmingly. Literally everything is done for you and it finally involves parents.

Kristin Baynon, Swim Team Coordinator
St. William Sharks - CYO Nassau Suffolk

The Customer

St. William Sharks

St. William Sharks is in the CYO Nassau Suffolk swim league. There are 3 divisions in the league with 4-5 teams in each division. The teams range from 85-200 swimmers per team. St William specifically has 100+ swimmers each season.


St William runs 8 dual meets per season with a championship meet to conclude the season. The CYO is run by volunteers.

The Challenge

Inflexible Meets & Hours of Manual Entry

Being in a CYO league is not like a USA Swimming league. We have swimmers that decide not to show up and we end up throwing kids into any races on the fly. With our old system, this would create a lot of extra work and confusion for everyone involved in the swim meet.


We would spend hours upon hours doing the entries for the swim meets. Our coach used an Excel file to complete entries and it required a lot of extra work and errors. Once the meet was over, I would spend hours and hours inputting every time manually. It was a painful, inefficient process.

With Swimmingly, we can add swimmers into heats and events on the fly. This is vital for any team in a CYO league as changes happen all the time. This feature has saved me so much time and stress.

The Solution

Immediate results and hours saved

Swimmingly would save time for every single team in our league. Some of these teams are still going home and doing hours and hours of manual time inputs for 200+ swimmers because they write the result on a piece of paper. They also have someone writing ribbon labels.


All of these manual processes are eliminated with Swimmingly. Every volunteer’s job is easier with Swimmingly and we save time for everyone involved. I no longer have to go home and manually input hundreds of results. Once the meet is complete, I publish the results and my job is done.

My coach no longer has to spend hours and hours on entries and putting together the heat sheet. Swimmingly has made everyone’s job easier and saved us so much time.

The Result

An Adaptable System that Involves Parents

The flexibility that Swimmingly allows has saved us a lot of stress and time at the meet. With the swimmers being able to write their Swimmingly ID on their shoulders and hopping in the pool, we have eliminated so much confusion. We know we have the right time for the right swimmer. The ability to change on the fly has been huge for us. It is a big deal for the swim team coordinators and the coaches.


Swimmingly has been a great change for us. There is no comparison to what the other teams are doing now to what you can have with Swimmingly. Everything is done for you and all the parents are very involved. The parents can see how their kids are doing and can see their progress. Now there is a lot of interaction with the families and parents. The CYO is made up of volunteers and no one wants to spend hours inputting times. With Swimmingly everything is done for you.

With Swimmingly, the parents are very involved. They can see how their swimmers are performing and easily see their progress. This makes my swim team coordinator job easier and finally provides a lot of interaction with the families.

Swim Meets, Made Simple


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